Loan Review

Platform Certification

LauraMac Loan Review Platform Certification

Are you an experienced due diligence analyst in the secondary market interested in improving your marketability?

Fifteen of the nation’s due diligence firms perform their closed loan reviews on LauraMac technology. LauraMac Loan Review is a cloud-based, transaction management platform that clients can independently configure to meet different review requirements.

Due to the configurability of the platform, LauraMac has used the most standardized review type - a securitization review - as a basis for training purposes.

This type of review incorporates an examination of the credit, property, and compliance components of the system, providing the learner with a comprehensive understanding of the technology.

Each chapter represents a screen, or “page,” completed during the review, allowing the learner to easily navigate to specific topics for future reference.

In addition to successfully passing each chapter quiz, the learner is also required to receive a passing score on a comprehensive, 50-question test prior to receiving their uniquely numbered certification.

Completing this course does not guaranty job placement. Prospective employers may request certification verification by emailing

Sign up to buy the LauraMac Loan Review Platform Certification course, with 12-months of content access: $150.00

It’s never too late to do better.